World Creations
Window to Another World. Acrylic on board, 16' x 20'

Window to Another World

There's a song by a fairly obscure British band called Eden Burning, that has a line in it about "I need a window to another world, / And Truth walks there with me, too".
Combining this song with C.S. Lewis' Narnia series, where the children stumble into the Other World of Narnia through a wardrobe that leads into a wood, and you have the beginnings of a painting.  Looking through the tangle of trees and undergrowth, trying to catch a glimpse of the Truth that underlies all.
In essence, this picture is me wrestling with the spiritual implications of sub-creation.  I create whole worlds in my mind (and on paper, and more recently online) just because it amuses me to do so, and occasionally I'm left wondering what God thinks of it all.  Manifest unreality?  A "distraction"?  Or a window on another world, where Truth also waits to be discovered?